How Our Crewhouse Pricing Works
Just like the airline, we operate on a seniority basis when it comes to our rates. Our current pricing will be listed below, and we pride ourselves in our transparency. If you have any questions about our currents or available openings, please feel free to contact us.
Crashpad Refundable Deposits
Just like an apartment, we take a deposit from each of our crashers. We refund you the deposit if you give us 30 days notice before you leave. The rates are listed below:
Application Fee
Ask about our deposit special! A Commuter is defined as Flight Crew that have a permanent residence other than the crash pad and will stay at the crashpad for no more than 15 days per month. An example commuter would be a flight attendant based in Dallas (but living elsewhere) looking to spend their reserve days or nights before and after their trips at the crash pad.
Application Fee
A Full Timer is defined as anyone working in the airline industry that needs full-time access to the home for no more than 2 months. An example would be a new-hire flight attendant or new-hire pilot looking to find an apartment in Dallas and needing a place to stay in the meantime.
Application Fee
We are now accepting a very limited amount of commuting airline crew (Female Only) to use unused bunks. Our nightly guests will undergo the application process and reference checks as usual but are welcome to use the crashpad on a night-to-night basis, first come first serve for the cost of $30 $25 total per night (2018 Special, our nightly price may change month to month). Nightly guests must be with their airline for a minimum of 3 years and seasoned commuters. They can reserve their status with a $25 application fee.