How Our Crashpad Pricing Works

For your application to be considered complete, and to ensure it is processed a one time $25 application fee must be paid to Dallas Crashpads & Crewhouses. This can be paid via Venmo or credit card. Our screening process includes crew verification and our application process enables us to match you with a property that works best for you.

Approximate Crashpad Refundable Deposits & Fees

Just like an apartment, we take a deposit from each of our crashers. We refund you the deposit if you give us 30 days notice before you leave. The rates are listed below:

Bunk or Private Room?

We currently have two options available for airline crew. If you are on a tight budget and seeking a commuter crashpad, our private beds may be for you. If you are looking for more privacy, either as a commuter or full-timer, apply now for a private room.