Want all the benefits of having a digital agreement, without the work?
✔️ Real Digital Signature
✔️ PDF Copy sent to your email
✔️ In Case of Emergency Contact info
✔️ Securely and safely collect your client’s data
✔️ Photo of their car embedded in the agreement
✔️ Embedded Lawyer approved Release of Liability to help protect you from lawsuits
How difficult is it to import a template into Jotform?
You can do it in under 20 seconds! The video below shows you how quick and easy the process is.
Agreement Header
When you import the template into Jotform, this will be the first part that you edit. Simply replace the [BOXES] with your information. Don’t forget to delete the red image at the top! This is to remind you to edit the form before you send others the link.
Client input forms
These boxes will collect your client’s information. Feel free to add more options if you need them.
Client Expectations
We have laid out 22 expectations that all clients will need to follow. Feel free to edit these items to suit your needs. Go through each item carefully and edit them as you see fit. If you remove an expectation, don’t forget to edit the required number of items clicked. Click here for a gif showing how to do it. This form includes expectations for:
✔️ Having an existing permanent residence
✔️ Agree to pay rent on time
✔️ Agree to give notice before vacating
✔️ Agree to pay a late fee if payment is late
✔️ Agree to be respectful of others
✔️ Agree to keep home clean
✔️ And much more!
Digital Waiver
A release of liability form is a contract between your business and a customer, client, or participant. When your customers sign the form, they agree that they understand and accept the risks associated with the activity. They also waive their right to file a liability claim against your company for any injuries they sustain from the activity.
Release of liability forms are intended to limit the number of negligence suits filed by patrons against your business. Your liability insurer may demand that you use them as a condition of providing insurance. Release forms help head off costly lawsuits so you should consider using them even if they aren’t required by your insurer.
Myths About Release Forms
As a business owner, you may have heard this myths about liability waivers:
A patron who has signed a waiver can’t sue me. A liability waiver may not prevent an injured party from suing you. It simply shifts some liability for injuries from your business to the injured party. A waiver may release you from ordinary negligence claims but it does not eliminate the right to sue. Patrons can still sue you for gross negligence and intentional torts.
Individuals who are under the legal contract age cannot release liability. This means that releases are not enforced against minors. Only minors’ parents and guardians can release liability on their behalf.
Collect In Case of Emergency Contact
If an emergency occurs, it’s better to have the information ready, then to try and collect it then. Our agreement form includes the ability to collect this important information in a secure and reliable way. When this is linked and working in harmony with your Trello board, it will also provide you with a very quick way to retrieve this information.
Vehicle Information with Conditional Formatting
If a crasher has a car, wouldn’t it be nice to see a picture of it so you can identify it? With your digital contract, that’s easy to do! The client can quickly upload a photo of their car, and all their vehicle information.
Digital Signature
The signature feature is convenient for both the crashpad manager and the client. A larger majority of flight attendants are not even using their computer to access web links, and this form works wonderfully on a cell phone. This tool within Jotform allows you to capture signatures easily and without having to manage any paperwork (yay for the trees!).